Home Insects Insect Weaver Ant Queen

Weaver Ant Queen

Singapore Geographic, Singapore Nature, Singapore Nature Photography

Weaver ant colonies are founded by one or more mated females (queens). A queen lays her first clutch of eggs on a leaf and protects and feeds the larvae until they develop into mature workers. The workers then construct leaf nests and help rear new brood laid by the queen. As the number of workers increases, more nests are constructed and colony productivity and growth increase significantly. 

Weaver ants or green ants are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae. Weaver ants live in trees and are known for their unique nest building behaviour where workers construct nests by weaving together leaves using larval silk. Wikipedia

Location: Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve – Feb 2022

Interesting Information from Nicky Bay
The future kings and queens typically go out for their nuptial flights after the rain. This is because, after their nuptial flight, they need to find a place to nest. They would have higher chances of survival with high levels of moisture as it would be a couple of weeks before their first batch of workers hatches to serve the queen. Flying out at the same time also increases their chances of finding a mate from a different colony.


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