Home Insects Insect Asian Ant Mantis – Odontomantis planiceps

Asian Ant Mantis – Odontomantis planiceps

Singapore Geographic, Singapore Nature, Singapore Nature Photography

The Asian ant mantis ( Odontomantis planiceps ) is a small mantis, with adult size ranging from 1.4 cm for males and 2.0 cm for females. It is commonly called the Asian ant mantis because it exhibits batesian mimicry in its juvenile stages, resembling black ants – most notably from the 1st to 3rd instar at which they are most vulnerable from predators.

Odontomantis planiceps is completely black from the 1st to 3rd instar, with green bands at the edges of every thorax segment.

After molting to the 4th instar and up to its ultimate molt, Asian ant mantises are mostly green with some variation in color depending on the vegetation in which they reside

Source: Wikipedia

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